Interlibrary Loan is a library-to-library lending service. If the UP Library does not have an item that you need for your research, the library can borrow it for you from another library. Returnable items usually arrive in less then 5 days, but it's best to allow at least 10 days. The lending library may send books via UPS, Fed-EX or USPS. Articles are usually sent via e-mail..
The UP Library does not charge for borrowing materials, but a lending library may charge a fee. The library is a member of LVIS (Libraries Very Interested in Sharing) a consortia of libraries that do not charge each other for borrowing materials.
When an item is only available at a library that charges, the library will pay up to $20 of the charge. We will contact you if the charge will be more than $20.00 for permission to charge your department for the excess.
If material is lost or overdue, the patron is responsible for overdue fines or replacement costs levied by the lending library. The library assesses an overdue fine of 50¢ per day for interlibrary loan materials
Items not available via Interlibrary Loan include materials already owned by the UP Library, textbooks used in current classes, entire issues of journals/magazines and most AV materials. Returnable materials (books, etc) are usually not sent out of state,
Physical items borrowed via interlibrary loan cannot be placed on reserve in the library.
Fill out the Interlibrary Loan Book Request form to order a book that isn't available at the Providence Library. Your book will usually arrive within 5-10 days. The checkout period is determined by the lending library and is usually 3-4 weeks.
Check the Journal Finder to see if the Library has an electronic version of the article that you need. If the Library does not have the journal that you need, request an Interlibrary Loan. Most copies arrive in 1-2 days.