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Search All Library Resources
Off Campus Access
- Click on the database link
- Select the database that you want to search or use the Search All Library Resources box
- If you are ALREADY logged into your University of Providence email account (in the same browser), you should go directly to the electronic resource.
- If you have not already logged in, input your University of Providence email address and password.

Trouble Accessing the Databases?
- Start your research at the UP Library website or LibGuides. Non UP sites do not have an authentication code for UP resources.
- Most of the library's resources require authentication using your email address and password.
- Make sure that you are using the most current version of your browser.
- If you are logged into Providence System Library Services, your browser may get confused on which library's resources you are trying to access. You may need to clear your history and delete your cookies to get to the UP Library's resources. You can also try another browser.
- Enable cookies and Javascript
- DO NOT use a popup blocker.
- Security software sometimes blocks access to library resources. You may have to disable your software.
- Some corporate firewalls block access to library resources. You may have to ask your network administrator to grant access.
- The server will block access for 15 minutes if 10 unsuccessful login attempts are made.
- Turn off Accelerate Loading on your Kindle Fire