Individual make up tests are done during regular library hours (by appointment), Sunday-Friday. Click here for appointment scheduler.
Library Hours for testing Fall & Spring Semester
Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 9:00pm (by appointment only)
Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm (by appointment only)
Saturday Closed
Sunday 3:00pm – 9:00pm (by appointment only)
Please contact Library for testing appointments during breaks and Summer Session or if you can't come in during the hours listed on the appointment scheduler.
The Jorgensen Wyder Classroom (JWC) contains presentation hardware & software, OWL and a white board wall. Please contact Ashley Koepke in the Registrar’s Office to reserve the room.
The room is not available if the library is closed unless special arrangements are made with the library staff. Click here for the library calendar
The Librarian is available for library instruction sessions for classes. Contact the librarians to arrange a session. The BI session can be done in your classroom, the JWC (if available) or on a one to one basis